Power BI, Excel and Visio walks into a bar…
They all hit their heads on said bar. After that they sat down to talk. Excel bragged about the cool things it could do. “Behold, as I goal seek certain input for a desired output” he said. He headed into the Data tab and selected Goal seek. With the...
“Who did it?”
These type of questions always come. “How many of my users did this?”, “On how many days did we do that” or simply “How many of my users where active?”. Instead of knowing how much each user did of what, we eventually tend to want to know how many...
Taking control and automating your surveys
In many organizations today there is a need to collect survey data. I’ve seen numerous examples of how this can be done and most of the time it involves some kind of automated email sent out with a link in hopes of your subjects decide to deposit a few...