Eurovision Report in Power BI
Back in 2019 I got my hands on a dataset where someone had compiled every point given from every country, to every country, in Eurovision Song contest from the years 1975 to 2016. Yes, someone really made this.
I did the only rational thing as a Power BI addict and created this report and published it to the web for everyone to use.
You can click on the picture below to open the report that, for reasons unkown to me, cannot be embedded into the blog post.

Using this report, you can actually predict (to some extent) what country will be giving points to other countries.
I mainly created this to show how Power BI reports work. Everything is interactive in a Power BI reports and using the filters or clicking at a number in this report will effect everything else in the report. This can sometimes be difficult to understand, especially if you’ve never used this kind of reporting service before. If your experience of reporting mainly covers Excel diagrams, then this is a rather good report to play around with in order to better understand Power BI.
In the filter “From Country” you can select a country and by that, see how that country has given points throughout the years. In realtime during the Eurovision Song contest, you can filter out a country as they are giving their points. What I found was that you could often predict who would get the 10 or 12 points based on how often that has happened in the past.
The input data from Excel looks like this:

It’s actually pretty cool how you can create the report above based on nothing more that these columns. For example the rank or position that each country got placed at each year is simply calculated based in the amount of points sumed togheter in the report.
Same as amount of 12 pointers. I simply created a measure in Power BI to calculate the amount of rows that consisting of “12” as points and then show them by “To Country”.
That’s it for now! Want to know more about this? Want the dataset to create your own report? Get in touch and I’ll be happy to assist!