Temperature Data in Power BI

I recently came into possession of a dataset of weather data from a friend of mine. Just as I am one of those normal friends who get’s thrilled when presented with 1,2 million rows of raw temperature data, so is he a very normal friend who gets thrilled by...

Backlog sample

I recently made a backlog in a report for a customer and figured that this is the kind of stuff the internet could make use of too! I’ve created a sample PBIX-file for anyone to download and copy coding samples from to save some time when creating your backlog...

Shipment Example using SUMX

I recently set up a Github repository for my digital Give aways and I figured this would also be a good place to store a sample file for a DAX formula I recently was using in a customer report and then a colleague said “Hey this would be great...

Groups in Power BI

Ever heard that less is more? You can’t see the forest due to all the trees? This happens in Power BI all the time and fortunately there is this great solution called grouping! This is a short post about the feature and 2 examples where I like to use...

The Pareto table in Power BI

How do we determine priorities? Let’s assume the role of an incident manager or someone in charge of damage control of any sort. How do you determine where to focus your finite resources? We would like to do everything of course, but that is extremely rarely possible. So where...

Personal Teams Report in Power BI | Teams Nation Give away

During Teams Nation in May 2021 I had the great honor of talking in the Adoption room in regards to how Power BI could be used to drive Adoption of Microsoft Teams. It had a twist though! Instead of using the insight in a Power BI report, I talked...

Sick Leave – PowerApp give away

Some time ago, me and my colleagues did a hackaton in the Power Platform, building an App in PowerApps to handle sick leave. The idea is simple. You find yourself suboptimal, as Nathan W Pyle would have put it, and it’s time to inform your colleagues of your absences...

Soft value calculation – Coffee complaining

Ancient business Mythology tells a legend of a CFO who once asked: "What if we invest in our employees and they leave us" to which the CEO responded "What if we don't and they stay?". Read this blog about how all this relate to coffee....

Colorful threshold in an Area Chart

The other day I though about KPI’s, as a totally normal person would. I think. Anyhow, my mind drifted of to area charts and how it would be neat to set a threshold and change the color when you passed a certain line! When I got back to my...

Power BI – Using What-if dates

I recently built a price development function inside a Power BI report for a customer by using What-If parameters. To be fair, I usually don’t add what-if parameters in my reports since they tend to have enough data and available columns for slicers as it is! Adding possible outcomes...